Well-thumbed: “I’ve used that super-ripped-up copy of The New Basics Cookbook, by the Silver Palate people, many times over the years,” says Diller. “But lately, we’ve been doing a lot of Melissa Clark—the food columnist for The New York Times. (He’s effusive about her salmon with anchovy-garlic butter.)

Well-thumbed: “I’ve used that super-ripped-up copy of The New Basics Cookbook, by the Silver Palate people, many times over the years,” says Diller. “But lately, we’ve been doing a lot of Melissa Clark—the food columnist for The New York Times. (He’s effusive about her salmon with anchovy-garlic butter.)

Well-thumbed: “I’ve used that super-ripped-up copy of The New Basics Cookbook, by the Silver Palate people, many times over the years,” says Diller. “But lately, we’ve been doing a lot of Melissa Clark—the food columnist for The New York Times. (He’s effusive about her salmon with anchovy-garlic butter.)